Whenever I get down, or anxious, I can usually see where I've been spending my time and determine the cause. What shows am I watching? What music am I listening to? What am I filling my head with? Do any of these answers remotely involve glorifying God? No wonder I'm confused and anxious, I am taking direction from the world, not my Creator.
It is sometimes (strike that, most of the time) hard for me to put my life into God's hands. I find I'm constantly trying to live my life on my own and figure out my future, when really that is Gods job. I just need to trust in him with all of my might and know that whatever comes, I can brave the storm, because he has a plan specifically tailored for me.
All Knowing God - God has no uncertainty and He is there for you every step into the future.
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last.”
Revelation 1:11
You know – He knows something we don’t know. How good of God to shield the future from us! How could we live well or sleep easily if we knew the death we’d die, the child who would go wrong, the house that would burn to the ground, or the poverty we might be brought to? Our language is full of words like maybe, perhaps, and someday. But He knows something we don’t know; His language consists of “shall be” and “will be” because He knows ahead, while we but “know behind.”
To know Him who knows the “something we don’t know” is comfort indeed. Knowing all, He waits ahead for us, surprising us with steady provisions of His love. I am so glad that when I married I did not know my husband would travel so much, my daughter would have a bad accident, and I would have a serious car crash. If I had known, I would have worried for months before my husband began his itinerant ministry, would have been an overprotective mother, and would never have bothered to get my driver’s license! It is enough that God knows. He does not send me into my future alone, but waits for me to meet Him there.
I praise Him for the things He has been at the first and for the things He will be at the last, and I will try to remember—He knows something I don’t know.
By Jill Briscoe
Initially, I was going to ask what Jill Briscoe book you took that from. Made me laugh when I realized devo means devotional.
Great and timely devo. :) Thanks for sharing that and the link.
Your words were exactly what I needed to hear this morning!! Thank you so much!!!
What a great reminder!
Beautiful ideas and great work! Your blog is lovely! I do street style but an also passionate about interior design:)
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I'm so glad I found your blog. It truly is a blessing that we don't know the future. We have our hope in our "future" when we will be with Jesus forever. If we knew what's to come before we would definitely be distracted from our real purpose. And I DEF get distracted easily enough now w/out knowing. LOL (Is that confusing enough???)
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