Thursday, January 5, 2012

Go to Him

I think the best way to incorporate Christ into my blog is going to be alternating fashion and faith posts.  I wanted to start the year off by sharing a Max Lucado devotional. Here's to the beginning!

“God is our protection and our strength. He always helps in times of trouble.”  Psalm 46:1

Ever feel as if you need to get away? So did Jesus. (Mark 1:35)
Ever have so many demands that you can’t stop for lunch? He can relate. (Mark 6:31) . . .
Do your friends ever let you down? When Christ needed help, his friends dozed off. (Matthew 26:40) . . .
When you turn to him for help, he runs to you to help. Why? He knows how you feel. He’s been there . . .
So go to him.

By Max Lucado




Daniella@ThisCouldBeMeToday said...

I like Max Lucado :) Also: pretty picture!

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